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Madras Neuro Trust was started with the specific aim of bringing quality teaching programs to India by Neurologists of the Institute of Neurology. The purpose of the trust is to provide means & to promote exchange of views and share experiences with neurologists and neuro surgeons from around the world.
Eminent faculties from all over the world have been part of our prestigious conferences imparting their expertise on the current scenario in the field of neuro sciences.
We have given below year wise themes and speakers of the previous Neuro Update Conferences.
Dr. Arun Venkatesan, MD PhD
Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, Johns Hopkins Encephalitis Center,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Dr. Eoin P. Flanagan, M.B., B.Ch.
Associate Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
Rochester, Minnesota
Prof. Gregory S. Day MD, MSc, MSCI, FAAN
Neurologist, Dementia Specialist and Clinical Researcher
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida
Prof. Mark Parsons
Professor of Medicine and Neurology
Acting Clinical Dean of School/Campus,
UNSW South West Sydney Clinical Campuses
Department of Neurology, Liverpool Hospital, Director of The Sydney Brain Centre
Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Australia
Recent Advances in Dementia
Neuro Immune Disorders
Neuro Infections
General Neurology
Dr. José Biller, MD, FACP, FAAN, FANA, FAHA
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, IL
Dr. Ted M. Dawson, M.D., Ph.D.
Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Professor in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Director, Institute for Cell Engineering
Professor, Departments of Neurology, Neuroscience and Pharmacology & Molecular Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
733 North Broadway, MRB 731. Baltimore, MD 21205
Prof Tae Hwan Chung, USA
Dr Anne Louise Oaklander, USA
Dr. N. V. Ramani,
Raffles Neuroscience Centre,
Dr. Nirmal Surya, Chairman,
Surya Neuro Center, Mumbai
President, Indian Academy of Neurology
Dr. V. G. Pradeep Kumar, Kozhikode
Senior Consultant & Dy. Chief
Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode
President, Indian Stroke Association
Prof. Lori Jordan, MD, PhD, USA
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
Associate Director, Pediatric Neurology Residency Program
Director, Pediatric Stroke Program, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Prof. Eva A. Mistry, MD,
Assistant Professor Neurology,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Prof Arun Venkatesan, USA
Prof Avindra Nath, USA
Prof David S Zee, USA
Prof Phyllis C Zee, USA
Prof Sarosh R Irani, UK
Eye Movement and Vestibular Disorders
Circadian Rhythm Disorders and Sleep Neurology
Neuro Infections
Neuro Immunology
Dr. Joaquim Ferreira - Portugal
Dr. Kailash Bhatia - UK
Dr. Nancy J Newman - USA
Dr. Valerie Biousse - USA
Movement Disorders
Neuro Ophthalmology
Dr. Bradley F Boeve - USA
Dr. Chitra Venkatasubramanian - USA
Dr. Jose I Suarez - USA
Dr. Marek Marsel Mesulam - USA
Cognitive Neurology
Critical Care Neurology
Dr. Allen J Aksamit Jr - USA
Dr. Marc I. Chimowitz - USA
Dr. Rafael Rojas - USA
Dr. Robert P. Lisak - USA
Dr. Tanya N. Turan - USA
Immune Mediated Neurological Disorders
Imaging Of Brain And Spine
Stroke Neurology And Cns Infections
Prof. Antonio Federico - Italy
Prof. Biju Hameed - Bristol
Prof. Bwee Tien Poll - Netherlands
Prof. Harry Thakurdas Chugani - USA
Prof. Hasan Tekgul - Istanbul
Prof. J Helen Cross - UK
Prof. Ingrid Tein - Canada
Prof. W Jonathan Mink - USA
Prof. Lakshmi Nagarajan - Australia
Prof. Linda Demeirleir - Belgium
Prof. Manjari Tripathi - New Delhi
Prof. Michael Johnston V - USA
Prof. Pratibha Singhi - Chandigarh, India
Prof. Richard Haas - USA
Prof. Robert Ouvrier - Australia
Prof. Sakkubai Naidu - USA
Prof. Soumya Ghosh - Australia
Prof. V Viswanathan - Chennai, India
Developmental Disablities
Metabolic Disorders
Movement & Neuromuscular Disorders
Other Diseases
Dr. Aniruddh Kumar Purohit, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Kailash Bhatia - USA
Dr. Kapil Sethi - USA
Dr. U. Meenakshisundaram, Chennai, India
Dr. Mohit Bhatt, Mumbai, India
Dr. Philip Thompson - Australia
Dr. Suresh Kumar, Kochi
Dr. Uday Muthane, Bangalore, India
Balance Disorders
Botulinum Toxin
Dr. Andrea M Corse - USA
Dr. Davis R Cornblath - USA
Prof. Pieter A Van Doorn - Netherlands
Prof. Bernd C Kieseier - Germany
Dr. B. Lokesh - India
Neuromuscular Disorders
Workshops on EMG
Nerve Consuction Studies
Ultrasonographic Evelution
Dr. Anil Gulati – USA
Dr. James A Young – USA
Prof. David C Good – USA
Dr. Frans C Good – USA
Dr. Frans Bruyninckx – Europe
Dr. Dilip Pandey – USA
Dr. Jane H Burridge – UK
Prof. George H Kraft – USA
Prof. Michael H Thaut – USA
Prof. Stephanie Clark – Switzerland
Prof. Martin Grabois – USA
Dr. Levi Hargrove – USA
Dr. Mindy F Levin – USA
Dr. Bhagwan Shahani – USA
Multiple Sclerosis
PD & Other Movement Disorders
Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injury
Cerebral Palsy & Pervasive Development Disorder
Dr. Dean M.Wingerchuk - USA
Dr. Erle Lim Chuen Hian - Singapore
Dr. Pittock Sean J - USA
Dr. Robert P Liask - USA
Clinical Neuro Immunology
Demyelinative Disorder of CNS Multiple Sclerosis Neuro Myelitis Optica
Botinlinum Toxin Workshop & Discussion on related movement disorder
Prof. Eileen Vining – USA
Prof. G. Kumaresan – Chennai, India
Prof. K. V. Mathai – Kottayam, India
Prof. Michael V Johnston – USA
Prof. R. Narayanan – Chennai, India
Prof. Sakkubai Naidu – USA
Prof. Suresh Kotagal – USA
Prof. C U Velmurugendran – Chennai, India
Dr. V Viswanathan – Chennai, India
Evaluation of Neuro Metabolic Disorder & Novel Leuko dystrophies
Epilepsy, Intra – OP Monitoring Neonatal EEGs
Cerebralpalsy – Evaluation Movement Disorders MRI
Sleep Disorders
Dr. G. Arjundas – Chennai, India
Dr. Bhagwan T.Shahani – USA
Prof. Jacob Abraham – Chennai, India
Prof. K. Jagannathan – Chennai, India
Dr. Jun Kimura – USA
Dr. Ram Ayyar – USA
Prof. D. Vasudevan – Chennai, India
Dr. Yevgenya Kaydanova – USA
Prof. Zaheer Ahmed Sayeed – Chennai, India
Neuromuscular Disorders
Clinical Neurophysiology
Dr. Aditya Neog – Chennai, India
Dr. S. Ambika – Chennai, India
Prof. S. N. Bhagwati – New delhi, India
Dr. H. Ganapathy – Chennai, India
Prof. Jacob Abraham – Chennai, India
Prof. K . Jagannathan – Chennai, India
Dr. Jose C Navarro – Manila
Dr. V. Kattesh Katti – USA
Dr. KavithaKalaivani – Chennai, India
Dr. Lingam Gopal – Chennai, India
Dr. Navin Jayakumar – Chennai, India
Dr. Nikhil S Choudhary – Chennai, India
Dr. Peter J Savino – Philadelphia
Dr. M. Pradeep – Palakkadu, India
Prof. Ralf Baron – Germany
Dr. Rashmin Gandhi – Chennai, India
Dr. Satya Karna – New Delhi, India
Dr. Shikha Bassi – Chennai, India
Dr. M.R. Sivakumar – Chennai, India
Dr. Suresh Bapu – Chennai, India
Prof. Thomas Brandt – Germany
Dr. Thomas W H Leung – Hong Kong
Dr. Veena Noronha – Chennai, India
Dr. J. Vijay Ananth – Chennai, India
Dr. Vijay Sharma – Singapore
Prof. Zahir Ahmed Sayeed – Chennai, India
Neuro Ophthalmology
Neuro Otology
Neuropathic Pain in Stroke
Course on transcranial Doppler & Interventional Procedures in Stroke
Dr. Geoff Sheehan - USA
Dr. Gunther Deushl - Germany
Dr. Kailash Bhatia - London
Dr. Louis C Tan - USA
Dr. Peter Rieckmann - Germany
Dr. Jeffrey Cummings - USA
Dr. Christopher Chen - Singapore
Movement Disorders Lectures, Case Discussions
Botulinum Toxin Injection Demonstration Session
Demyelinating Diseases
Lectures, Case Discussions
Cognitive Neurology Lectures, Case Discussions.
Dr. Werner Hacke - Germany
Dr. Hui Meng Chang - Singapore
Dr. J. Van Gijn - Netherlands
Dr. Geoffrey A.Donnan - Australia
Dr. Niphon Poungwarin - Thailand
Dr. N.V.Ramani - Singapore
Dr. Disya Ratanakorn - Thailand
Clinical Aspects
Diagnostic Work up
Management – Acute & Long term
Free Papers
Drafting of a Consensus statement on Stroke Management for practitioners
Neurosonology Workshop on 6th and 7th January Late Evening Sessions
Dr.David Cornblath - USA
Dr. Richard Frackowiack - UK
Dr. David Zee - USA
Dr. Sarala Das - Bangalore, India
Neuro Radiology
Neuro Ophthalmology
Peripheral Nerve disorders
Workshop on clinical Neurophysiology
Case Presentations and discussion
Dr. Jonathan W. Mink - USA
Dr. Motoi Shoda - Japan
Dr. Salvatore Di Mauro - USA
Dr. Andrei V Alexanderov - USA
Dr. Zolt Garami - USA
Dr. Mark Moehring - USA
Dr. Lawerence KS.Wong - Hongkong, China
Dr. S.K Shankr. Joaquim Ferreira - Portugalr - Bangalore, India
Movement Disorders in Children
Metabolic and Mitochondrial Myopathies
Paediatric Spinal Surgery
Clinical Case Discussions
Dr. David A.Chad - USA
Dr. Louis R.Caplan - USA
Dr. Prakash Kotagal - USA
Dr. Sakkubai Naidu - USA
Dr. Gihan Tennakoon - USA
Pediatric Neurology
Peripheral Neuropathy
Neuro Imaging
Auto Immune Disorders of Nervous System